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Mikrubi: a model for species distributions using region-based records

Many species occurrence records from specimens and publications are based on regions such as administrative units (thus sometimes called counties in the codes). These region-based records are accessible and dependable, and sometimes they are the only available data source; however, few species distribution models accept such data as direct input. In Yang et al. (2023), we present a method named Mikrubi for robust prediction of species distributions from region-based occurrence data. This is the Julia package implementing the algorithms.


Mikrubi.jl currently requires Julia v1.7.0 or higher. This registered package can be installed inside the Julia REPL by typing

]add Mikrubi

Input data requirements

To estimate the fine-scale distribution of a species using its presence or absence in each region, the package generally requires three types of input data:


A typical workflow of the package resembles the following lines, where shppath refers to the path to the map file, climpath refers to the directory path to the raster files, and ctlistpath refers to the path to the list containing lines of integer identifiers representing the regions.

using Mikrubi
shptable = readshape(shppath)
layers = readlayers(climpath)
ctlist = readlist(ctlistpath)
field, ylayers = makefield(layers, shptable)
model = fit(field, ctlist)
geodist = predict(ylayers, model)
writelayer("path/to/output/geodist.tif", geodist)


An introduction of this package and the model it implements has been published on Ecography (10.1111/ecog.06283).

Thank Michael Krabbe Borregaard @mkborregaard and Rafael Schouten @rafaqz for reviewing the code and the manuscript and giving greatly constructive opinions!

If you apply the package or the model in your research, please cite them via the paper above or as the following after substituting the version:

Yang, Y.-C., Zhang, Q. and Chen, Z.-D. 2023. Mikrubi: a model for species distributions using region-based records. – Ecography 2023: e06283 (ver. 1.3.2).

The equivalent BibTeX file for citation is available at CITATION.bib. You may also import this file or the following BibTeX code block to your reference management software.

	author = {Yang, Yu-Chang and Zhang, Qian and Chen, Zhi-Duan},
	title = {Mikrubi: a model for species distributions using region-based records},
	journal = {Ecography},
	year = {2023},
	volume = {2023},
	pages = {e06283},
	doi = {https://doi.org/10.1111/ecog.06283},
	url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/ecog.06283},
	eprint = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/ecog.06283},

Patch to the Ecography paper

Due to an update of GADM.jl on May 16, 2023 which fetches GADM data v4.1 rather than v3.6, the district-level map of Nepal now has index 3 (no longer 1 as in the paper). The corresponding line in the code example from the paper (see also jui.jl) should be changed to

shptable = readshape(shppath, 3) # District-level

A workflow example

We take Allium wallichii in China as an example. For more details, please check examples/alliwalli/workflow.jl; for the graphic representation of the variables, please visit Graphics).

julia> using Mikrubi

julia> shptable = readshape(shppath)
Layer: counties
  Geometry 0 (): [wkbPolygon], POLYGON ((99.994226 ...), ...
     Field 0 (id): [OFTInteger64], 2367, 2368, 2369, 2370, 2371, 2372, 2373, ...
     Field 1 (provinceid): [OFTInteger64], 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, ...
     Field 2 (cityid): [OFTInteger64], 5305, 5305, 5305, 5305, 5305, 5323, ...
     Field 3 (cocode): [OFTString], 530524, 530523, 530502, 530521, 530522, ...
     Field 4 (coshname): [OFTString], 昌宁县, 龙陵县, 隆阳区, 施甸县, 腾冲县, 楚雄市, 大姚县, ...
 Number of Fields: 14

julia> layers = readlayers(climpath)
[ Info: 19 files "wc2.0_bio_10m_*.tif" recognized in the directory, where * = 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.
RasterStack with dimensions:
  X Projected{Float64} LinRange{Float64}(-180.0, 179.833, 2160) ForwardOrdered Regular Intervals crs: WellKnownText,
  Y Projected{Float64} LinRange{Float64}(89.8333, -90.0, 1080) ReverseOrdered Regular Intervals crs: WellKnownText,
  Band Categorical{Int64} 1:1 ForwardOrdered
and 19 layers:
  :wc2.0_bio_10m_01 Float64 dims: X, Y, Band (2160×1080×1)
  :wc2.0_bio_10m_02 Float64 dims: X, Y, Band (2160×1080×1)
  :wc2.0_bio_10m_03 Float64 dims: X, Y, Band (2160×1080×1)
  :wc2.0_bio_10m_04 Float64 dims: X, Y, Band (2160×1080×1)
  :wc2.0_bio_10m_05 Float64 dims: X, Y, Band (2160×1080×1)
  :wc2.0_bio_10m_06 Float64 dims: X, Y, Band (2160×1080×1)
  :wc2.0_bio_10m_07 Float64 dims: X, Y, Band (2160×1080×1)
  :wc2.0_bio_10m_08 Float64 dims: X, Y, Band (2160×1080×1)
  :wc2.0_bio_10m_09 Float64 dims: X, Y, Band (2160×1080×1)
  :wc2.0_bio_10m_10 Float64 dims: X, Y, Band (2160×1080×1)
  :wc2.0_bio_10m_11 Float64 dims: X, Y, Band (2160×1080×1)
  :wc2.0_bio_10m_12 Float64 dims: X, Y, Band (2160×1080×1)
  :wc2.0_bio_10m_13 Float64 dims: X, Y, Band (2160×1080×1)
  :wc2.0_bio_10m_14 Float64 dims: X, Y, Band (2160×1080×1)
  :wc2.0_bio_10m_15 Float64 dims: X, Y, Band (2160×1080×1)
  :wc2.0_bio_10m_16 Float64 dims: X, Y, Band (2160×1080×1)
  :wc2.0_bio_10m_17 Float64 dims: X, Y, Band (2160×1080×1)
  :wc2.0_bio_10m_18 Float64 dims: X, Y, Band (2160×1080×1)
  :wc2.0_bio_10m_19 Float64 dims: X, Y, Band (2160×1080×1)

julia> ctlist = readlist(ctlistpath)
46-element Array{Int64,1}:

julia> field, ylayers = makefield(layers, shptable);

julia> field
Mikrubi Field: geo_dim = 2, env_dim = 3, 62716 pixels, and 2893 counties

julia> ylayers
RasterStack with dimensions:
  X Projected{Float64} LinRange{Float64}(-180.0, 179.833, 2160) ForwardOrdered Regular Intervals crs: WellKnownText,
  Y Projected{Float64} LinRange{Float64}(89.8333, -90.0, 1080) ReverseOrdered Regular Intervals crs: WellKnownText,
  Band Categorical{Int64} 1:1 ForwardOrdered
and 3 layers:
  :pca1 Float64 dims: X, Y, Band (2160×1080×1)
  :pca2 Float64 dims: X, Y, Band (2160×1080×1)
  :pca3 Float64 dims: X, Y, Band (2160×1080×1)

julia> model = fit(field, ctlist)
[ Info: Now minimizing the opposite likelihood function...
Iter     Function value    √(Σ(yᵢ-ȳ)²)/n
------   --------------    --------------
     0     4.171830e+04     2.450473e+02
 * time: 0.01399993896484375
   500     1.833867e+02     9.325053e-02
 * time: 2.998000144958496
  1000     1.470935e+02     1.524631e-01
 * time: 4.9700000286102295
  1500     1.388932e+02     4.105145e-02
 * time: 6.976000070571899
  2000     1.273631e+02     2.085092e-02
 * time: 8.812000036239624
  2500     1.266571e+02     9.378015e-05
 * time: 10.5239999294281
[ Info: Maximized log-likeliness: -126.65599400745549
MikrubiModel{Float64}(3, [1.4842288152354197, -1.3603311815698715, -0.38761691866210646, 1.1231074177981228, 1.2090116395112087, -0.1033479618173679, 14.747024521778938, -14.878922083170924, 11.97056752230023, 30.299436373642205])

julia> geodist = predict(ylayers, model)
2160×1080×1 Raster{Float64,3} prob with dimensions:
  X Projected{Float64} LinRange{Float64}(-180.0, 179.833, 2160) ForwardOrdered Regular Intervals crs: WellKnownText,
  Y Projected{Float64} LinRange{Float64}(89.8333, -90.0, 1080) ReverseOrdered Regular Intervals crs: WellKnownText,
  Band Categorical{Int64} 1:1 ForwardOrdered
extent: Extent(X = (-180.0, 179.99999999999997), Y = (-90.0, 90.0), Band = (1, 1))
missingval: -1.7e308
crs: GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AXIS["Latitude",NORTH],AXIS["Longitude",EAST],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]
values: [:, :, 1]
           89.8333   89.6667   89.5      89.3333   89.1667   …  -89.3333   -89.5      -89.6667   -89.8333   -90.0
 -180.0    -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308      -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308
 -179.833  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308      -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308
 -179.667  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308      -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308
 -179.5    -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308      -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308
 -179.333  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  …   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308
 -179.167  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308      -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308
 -179.0    -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308      -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308
 -178.833  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308      -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308
    ⋮                                               ⋮        ⋱                                                ⋮
  178.5    -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  …   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308
  178.667  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308      -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308
  178.833  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308      -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308
  179.0    -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308      -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308
  179.167  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308      -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308
  179.333  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  …   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308
  179.5    -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308      -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308
  179.667  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308      -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308
  179.833  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308  -1.7e308      -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308   -1.7e308

julia> writelayer("path/to/output/geodist.tif", geodist)

Outline of Manual

Outline of Graphics
