
Reading and writing

Reading and searching shapefile

Since shape files are always read instead of written in this application, only the reading function readshape is provided.

readshape(path::AbstractString, index::Int=-1; 
	extset = [".shp", ".geojson", ".gpkg"]) :: AG.IFeatureLayer

Read a shape file located at path. If path refers to a file, the file is directly read; otherwise, if path refers to a directory, a random shape file inside is read.

extset describes possible extensions of shape files (see also readlayers). By setting extset to nothing, the extension filtering is not processed, i.e., all files are regarded as shape files. extset is indifferent when path refers to a file.

The shape file should contain a dataset. When the dataset consists of multiple layers, index indicates which data layer should be returned.


The function lookup is useful when some attribute (e.g. name or code) of a county is known and the row number of the county in a shapefile is wanted (row number may act as identifiers in the list of occupied counties, see the syntax of fit).

	column::Union{AbstractString, Symbol}, entry)
	column::Union{AbstractString, Symbol}, entries::AbstractArray)

Find row(s) in the shape table whose column record(s) equal(s) to entry or elements of entries. When the third argument is an array, results are output as an array of the same shape by broadcasting.


Internal functions

filterext(dir::AbstractString, extset=nothing) :: Vector{String}

Find all file names in dir with extensions in extset. When extset is set to nothing (by default), all extensions are acceptable.

goodcolumns(shptable::AG.IFeatureLayer) :: Dict{String, Vector}

Find all properties of features in shptable where entries are all unique and either integers or strings (types whose isequal is well-defined).


Reading and writing list file

List of occupied counties can be prepared explicitly in Julia as a vector or a set. Meanwhile, it is also possible to read from or write to disk such a list, especially when the list is generated outside Julia.

readlist(path::AbstractString) :: Vector

Read any list of vector from file at path.

writelist(path::AbstractString, list::AbstractVector) :: Nothing

Write any list or vector to file at path.


Reading and writing raster layers

Climatic factors are downloaded and stored as raster layers. Mikrubi reads such layers by readlayers, performs principal component analysis on them and returns the results as layers also. When the output layers need to be kept for future use, they can be written to disk using writelayers. Moreover, when the predicted distribution of species is organized in raster format, it can be saved likewise using writelayer.

readlayers(filenames::Vector{<:AbstractString}) :: RasterStack
readlayers(dir::AbstractString; extset=nothing) :: RasterStack

Read all raster layers from the directory dir as a RasterStack.

extset describes possible extensions of raster files (e.g., Set(".tif"), or [".tiff"]; see also readshape). By setting extset to nothing, the extension filtering is not processed, i.e., all files are regarded as raster files.

writelayer(path::AbstractString, layer::Raster) :: Nothing

Write layer to the disk at path. Alias for GeoArrays.write!.

	layers::RasterStack) :: Nothing
writelayers(pathformula::AbstractString, layers::RasterStack) :: Nothing

Write layers to paths respondingly, or a series of paths generated by the pathformula where an asterisk is used for wildcard and replaced by numbers.


Internal functions

It is worth mention that when reading layers from a directory, files are sorted according to their names in a manner similar to the sorting order in Windows OS. Please pay extra attention when two parallel raster stacks are fed into makefield.


Sort filenames in place according to the order of the distinctive parts among them. If all of the distinctive parts are decimal numerals, they are sorted as integers.


julia> sortfilenames!(["bio_9.tif", "bio_10.tif", "bio_1.tif"])
[ Info: 3 files "bio_*.tif" recognized in the directory, where * = 1, 9, 10.
3-element Array{String,1}:

julia> sortfilenames!(["bio_09.tif", "bio_10.tif", "bio_01.tif"])
[ Info: 3 files "bio_*.tif" recognized in the directory, where * = 01, 09, 10.
3-element Array{String,1}:
allsame(a::AbstractVector) :: Bool

Return true if all elements from a are identical, or otherwise false. An error is thrown if the vector a is empty.


julia> allsame([1, 1, 2])

julia> allsame([1, 1, 1])

julia> allsame([1])

julia> allsame([])
ERROR: BoundsError: attempt to access 0-element Array{Any,1} at index [1]
 [1] getindex at .\array.jl:787 [inlined]
 [2] allsame(::Array{Any,1}) at .\REPL[9]:1
 [3] top-level scope at REPL[20]:1

Reading and writing Mikrubi fields

MikrubiField is a specially designed type where the environmental information of pixels and their county identifiers are nested. It may be necessary to save (by writefield) and load (by readfield) a Mikrubi field especially when it is used on multiple species.

readfield(path::AbstractString) :: MikrubiField

Read a Mikrubi field from file at path.

writefield(path::AbstractString, field::MikrubiField) :: Nothing

Write a Mikrubi field to file at path.


Reading and writing Mikrubi models

MikrubiModel is a struct containing transformation parameters. It can be read from and written to disk using respectively readmodel and writemodel.

readmodel(path::AbstractString) :: MikrubiModel

Read a Mikrubi model from file at path.

writemodel(path::AbstractString, model::MikrubiModel) :: Nothing

Write a Mikrubi model to file at path.


Rasterizing a shapefile

Since v1.3.0, Mikrubi no longer provides its own rasterization routine; the implementation from Rasters is applied instead. The function rasterize in Mikrubi integrates the rasterization of multiple geometries. The returned value is of an internal type Mikrubi.CtPixels.

rasterize(geoms, layer::Raster) :: CtPixels
rasterize(shptable::AG.IFeatureLayer, layer::Raster) :: CtPixels

For a collection of (multi)polygons, rasterize each of them and write the results in a CtPixels.



Collector for county-specific rasterization results, whose list contains county-pixel tuples. Can only be instantiated from an index raster (see indicate).


Internal functions

getpixel(ctpixels::CtPixels, i::Int) :: Int

Get the pixel index of the i-th county-pixel tuple in ctpixels.

getcounty(ctpixels::CtPixels, i::Int) :: Int

Get the county index of the i-th county-pixel tuple in ctpixels.

indicate(layer::Raster) :: Raster{Int}

Build an index raster indices from layer. The value of an array element in indices is either (1) 0 for missing, if the corresponding element in layer is missing; or (2) the integer index of the array element, otherwise.

register!(ctpixels::CtPixels, ct::Int, pixel::Int) :: Int

Push a county-pixel tuple into ctpixels, if pixel is not zero. For convenience, the value of pixel is returned.

register!(ctpixels::CtPixels, ct::Int) :: Function

Create a function that accepts a pixel, pushes the county-pixel tuple into ctpixels, and finally returns the value of pixel.


Processing the raster layers

In Mikrubi, climatic factors after being read in typically undergo some processing steps together with shapefile inside the function makefield, which returns a Mikrubi field and a stack of extracted components in raster layers. The two outputs can be used for training and prediction.

makefield(layers::RasterStack, shptable; 
	config=DimLowerConfig(rabsthres=0.8, nprincomp=3))
		:: Tuple{MikrubiField, RasterStack}

Create a MikrubiField as well as processed variable layers from layers and shptable, by

  1. masking the layers with ctpixels (using Mikrubi.masklayers!),
  2. extracting non-missing pixels from layers (using Mikrubi.extractlayers),
  3. selecting less correlated variables (using Mikrubi.selectvars), and
  4. doing the principal component analysis (using Mikrubi.princompvars).

Configuration including rabsthres and nprincomp can be passed in as a keyword argument; see DimLowerConfig.

A less detailed version of yieldfield.


Since v1.4.0, Mikrubi supports parallel dimensionality reduction. Sometimes it is also required to apply a model to another circumstance (different time or different space), in which case another series of parallel climatic factor layers need to be processed in exactly the same way as those used to generate the Mikrubi field (so that their climatic meanings are the same). For such purpose, use the more detailed version yieldfield for the current circumstance, and pass dimlower, the third output parameter, again using yieldfield to another circumstance.

yieldfield(layers::RasterStack, ctpixels::CtPixels, 
	dimlowerorconfig=DimLowerConfig(rabsthres=0.8, nprincomp=3)) :: 
		Tuple{MikrubiField, RasterStack, DimLower}
yieldfield(layers::RasterStack, shptable, 
	dimlowerorconfig=DimLowerConfig(rabsthres=0.8, nprincomp=3)) :: 
		Tuple{MikrubiField, RasterStack, DimLower}

Return a MikrubiField, processed variable layers, and the DimLower.

A more detailed version of makefield.


To adjust the manner how Mikrubi reduces the dimensionality of the variables, configuration should be provided in a DimLowerConfig instance.


DimLowerConfig(; rabsthres=0.8, nprincomp=3)

A type for configuration for dimensionality reduction.

Keyword arguments

  • rabsthres: threshold of collinearity.

Absolute value of Pearson correlation efficient greater than this threshold is identified as collinearity and the two variables are thus incompatible.

  • nprincomp: expected number of principal components of the variables.

Internal functions

colmatrix(vector::AbstractVector) :: AbstractMatrix
colmatrix(matrix::AbstractMatrix) :: AbstractMatrix

Return a one-column matrix if the argument is a vector, or the matrix itself if the argument is already a matrix.

masklayers!(layers::RasterStack, ctpixels::CtPixels) :: RasterStack

Mask the layers in a way that only pixels present in ctpixels are kept, while all other uncovered pixels are set to a missing value.

extractlayers(layers::RasterStack) :: Tuple{Matrix, Vector{Int}}

Extract the non-missing pixels from layers, and combine them into a matrix, whose rows representing pixels and columns representing variables.

extractlayers is the inverse function of makelayers.

emptylayer(grid::Raster) :: Raster

Create a new Raster full of missing values from the shape of grid.

emptylayers(grid::Raster, m::Int) :: RasterStack

Create a RasterStack with m empty Rasters (full of missing values) from the shape of grid.

makelayer(vector::AbstractVector, idx::AbstractVector, grid::Raster) 
	:: Raster

Make a Raster from the grid and values in vector.

For making a RasterStack from a matrix, see makelayers.

makelayers(matrix::AbstractMatrix, idx::AbstractVector, grid::Raster) 
	:: RasterStack

Make a RasterStack from the grid and values in columns of matrix.

For making a Raster from a column vector, see makelayer.

makelayers is the inverse function of extractlayers.

dftraverse!(beststate, bestscore, state, score, depth, maxdepth, 
	incompat, scoremat) :: Nothing

Find the index combination that

  • firstly containing as many indices as possible, and
  • secondly with the lowest pairwise sum from submatrix of scoremat,

such that no indices i and j coexist as long as incompat[i][j] == true.

The result is stored as the only element of beststate, with its score decided by the two criteria above stored as the only element of bestscore.


julia> beststate = Vector(undef, 1);

julia> bestscore = [(0, 0.0)];

julia> dftraverse!(beststate, bestscore, Int[], (0, 0.0), 1, 3,
           Bool[0 0 1; 0 0 0; 1 0 0],
           [0.0 0.6 0.3; 0.6 0.0 0.9; 0.3 0.9 0.0]);

julia> beststate
1-element Array{Any,1}:
 [1, 2]

julia> bestscore
1-element Array{Tuple{Int64,Float64},1}:
 (2, -0.6)
selectvars(matrix::Matrix, rabsthres=0.8) :: Vector{Int}

Select as many variables as possible from matrix such that no pairwise Pearson coefficient among them exceeds rabsthres and their sum is minimal.


julia> selectvars([1. 4. 7.; 2. 5. 8.; 3. 9. 27.], rabsthres=0.9)
2-element Array{Int64,1}:
princompvars(smatrix::Matrix; nprincomp=3) :: Tuple{Vector, Matrix}

Perform principal component analysis on smatrix whose columns represents variables, and combines the nprincomp principal components into a matrix, and returns the result matrix as well as the affine transformation (colmean, projwstd), such that the result matrix == (smatrix .- colmean) * projwstd.


DimLower{T<:AbstractFloat}(n::Int, colid::Vector{Int}, 
	colmean::Matrix{T}, projwstd::Matrix{T})
DimLower(n::Integer, colid::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, 
	colmean::AbstractMatrix{<:Real}, projwstd::AbstractMatrix{<:Real})

A container for transformation parameters used in makefield.

dimpoints(grid::Raster) :: DimPoints

Create a DimensionalData.DimPoints from grid after shifting all its dimension loci to Center(). Similar to GeoArrays.coords.

centercoords(dp::DimPoints, ci::CartesianIndices, idx::Int) 
	:: Tuple{AbstractFloat, AbstractFloat}

Get center coordinates of a grid cell indexed by idx in a Raster.

buildfield(ctpixels::CtPixels, idx::Vector, 
	projmat::Matrix, grid::Raster) :: MikrubiField

Construct a MikrubiField from ctpixels, idx, projmat, and grid. Used in makefield.


The Mikrubi core

Two specially designed structs are involved in the core of Mikrubi.

Mikrubi field

MikrubiField is a struct containing mainly three types of information of pixels/points, that is, which counties they belong to (ctids), their geographic coordinates (locs), and their environmental coordinates (vars), with also some derived assistant attributes, such as geographic dimensionality (usually 2) and environmental dimensionality (for example, 3).

MikrubiField can be obtained in three ways: as first output argument of makefield, read from disk, or constructed directly from the three required attributes (this may be useful for simulation analysis).

MikrubiField{T, U <: Real, V <: AbstractFloat}

MikrubiField(ctids, locs, vars)

Construct a Mikrubi field containing a number of pixels or points, using the arguments which should always have the same number of rows

  • ctids::Vector: a vector containing the county identifiers
  • locs::Array{<:Real}: an array of geographic coordinates
  • vars::Matrix{<:AbstractFloat}: an array of environmental coordinates

Mikrubi model

MikrubiModel contains the environmental dimensionality and the model parameters to define a positive-definite quadratic mapping from environmental space to a real number axis.

Like MikrubiField, MikrubiField can be obtained in three ways: as output argument of fit, read from disk, or constructed directly from attributes. An example of obtaining Mikrubi field and Mikrubi model from constructors are available in examples/onedimsim/sim.jl.

MikrubiModel{V <: AbstractFloat}

MikrubiModel(dvar::Int, params::Vector{<:AbstractFloat})

Construct a Mikrubi Model from a dimensionality dvar and a parameter vector params. The equation must hold for dvar2dparam(dvar) == length(params).

Mikrubi Models can be obtained from the function fit, and can be used in the function predict.


Fitting a Mikrubi model

When a Mikrubi field as well as occurrence data in county and/or in coordinates are ready, they can be used to train a Mikrubi model by function fit (county data at counties, required; coordinates at coords, optional). Result is output as a MikrubiModel.

fit(field::MikrubiField, counties, coords=zeros(0, 0); 
	optresult=[], iterations=3_000_000, kwargs...) :: MikrubiModel

Numerically find the Mikrubi model maximizing the likelihood that the occupied counties as well as the occupied coordinates are sampled in the given Mikrubi field. The optimization result is stored in the container optresult for debugging.


Predicting from a Mikrubi model

A Mikrubi model can be applied by function predict to a matrix with its columns corresponding to extracted variables, a stack of extracted layers, or a Mikrubi field.

  • When input argument is a matrix, output argument is a column vector denoting the probability of presence in pixels/points related to rows in the matrix.
  • When input argument is a stack of layers, output argument is a single layer denoting the probability of presence.
  • When input argument is a Mikrubi field, output argument is a Dict which maps every county identifier to probability of presence at pixels inside the county, see also predictcounty.
predict(matrix::AbstractMatrix, model::MikrubiModel) :: Vector
predict(layers::RasterStack, model::MikrubiModel) :: Raster
predict(field::MikrubiField, model::MikrubiModel) 
	:: Dict{<:Any, <:Vector{<:Tuple{Vector{<:Real}, AbstractFloat}}}

Predict the probability of presence according to processed climatic factors (matrix / layers) or on the Mikrubi field.


When distribution probability within only one county is concerned, predictcounty returns probability of presence at all pixels that constitute the county in descending order. Therefore, the first element represents the most likely occupied pixel of a county.

predictcounty(field::MikrubiField, model::MikrubiModel, county) 
	:: Vector{<:Tuple{Vector{<:Real}, AbstractFloat}}

Return the geographic coordinates of pixels in the county sorted by the likeliness of being occupied.


It is also possible to obtain the overall probability that every county is occupied by the function probcounties.

probcounties(field::MikrubiField, model::MikrubiModel) 
	:: Dict{<:Any, <:AbstractFloat}
probcounties(::Type{<:Logistic}, field::MikrubiField, model::MikrubiModel) 
	:: Dict{<:Any, <:Logistic}

Compute the probability for every county to be occupied in the field.


Sampling counties in a Mikrubi field

For simulation analysis, sometimes it is required to sample a set of counties from a Mikrubi field and a Mikrubi model. samplecounties does the trick.

samplecounties(field::MikrubiField, model::MikrubiModel) :: Vector

Sample counties according to their probability of being occupied.


Detecting overfitting

Overfitting can be detected with the Lipschitz constant, the (logarithmic) maximum gradient (in norm) of the probability of presence in environmental space.

lipschitz(model::MikrubiModel, field::MikrubiField; wholespace=false) 
	:: AbstractFloat

Calculate the maximum gradient (in norm) of the probability of presence over the field. When wholespace=false (default), the maximum is taken among the points contained in field; otherwise it is taken around the whole space.


Internal functions

dvar2dparam(dvar::Int) :: Int

Convert dimensionality of an environmental space to the dimensionality of the induced parameter space, i.e., compute the degrees of freedom for positive-definite quadratic functions mapping a dvar-dimensional linear space into real numbers.


julia> dvar2dparam(1)

julia> dvar2dparam(3)
decomparams(p::AbstractVector, d::Int) :: Tuple{Matrix, Vector, Any}
decomparams(model::MikrubiModel) :: Tuple{Matrix, Vector, Any}

Return parameter decomposition At, b, c, where

  • At is a lower triangular matrix of size (d, d),
  • b is a column vector of size d, and
  • c is a scalar.

WARNING: The vector p must have length dvar2dparam(d).


julia> decomparams(collect(1:10), 3)
([1 0 0; 2 3 0; 4 5 6], [7, 8, 9], 10)
pabsence(vars::AbstractMatrix, params::AbstractVector) :: Logistic
pabsence(field::MikrubiField, params::AbstractVector) :: Logistic

Compute the probability of absence at pixels given vars/field and params.

ppresence(vars::AbstractMatrix, params::AbstractVector) :: Logistic
ppresence(field::MikrubiField, params::AbstractVector) :: Logistic

Compute the probability of presence at pixels given vars/field and params.

mlogL(field::MikrubiField, counties, params::AbstractVector)
	:: AbstractFloat
mlogL(vars::AbstractMatrix, params::AbstractVector) :: AbstractFloat

Compute the opposite log-likelihood that the occupied counties or occupied coordinates are sampled. The opposite is taken for optimization.

probpixels(field::MikrubiField, model::MikrubiModel) 
	:: Vector{<:AbstractFloat}

Compute the probability for every pixel to be occupied in the field.

findnearest(loc::AbstractVecOrMat{<:Real}, field::MikrubiField) :: Int

Return the row index in field.locs which is the nearest to the given coordinates.

findnearests(loc::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVecOrMat}, field::MikrubiField) 
	:: Vector{Int}
findnearests(loc::AbstractMatrix{<:Real}, field::MikrubiField) 
	:: Vector{Int}

Return the row indices in field.locs which are the nearest to each of the given coordinates. Duplicate results are reduced to one.

loglipschitz(model::MikrubiModel, field::MikrubiField; wholespace=false) 
	:: AbstractFloat

Calculate the (logarithmic) maximum gradient (in norm) of the probability of presence over the field. When wholespace=false (default), the maximum is taken among the points contained in field; otherwise it is taken around the whole space.

textwrap(str::AbstractString) :: String

Gobble all linefeeds ("\n") inside str and replaces them with spaces (""), so long strings can be wrapped to multiple lines in the codes, like the Python package "textwrap". See also tw.
